Secret Rooms will pose an additional challenge as they require specific conditions to complete.These Bosses will be different and their power will scale with the difficulty you’ve chosen and your progress (the Boss on Floor 110 will be much tougher than the Boss on Floor 10). Doom Tower Floors follow a classic scheme: your Champions fight through 3 Rounds of enemies, while every 10th floor will feature a Boss fight.However, if you receive these Keys as a reward for in-game activity, they will be available for you to use before the next reset.

There is a limit of 10 Keys on both, and it resets at 00:00 UTC every day. Neither Golden nor Silver Keys can be purchased.In both cases, the Key will only be subtracted from your total if you successfully complete the Floor or Secret Room.Golden Keys will be required to access a Floor for the first time, while Silver Keys will let you access Secret Rooms or replay Boss Floors you have previously completed.The Doom Tower resets every 30 days, erasing your progress, Rankings, and rotating some of the Bosses.It will be available in Normal and Hard difficulties, both of which will be repeatable.Doom Tower is a new game mode released on Decemin Raid Shadow Legends, which feature 132 stages (108 Common Floors, 12 Boss Floors, 12 Secret Rooms) for you to fight through.